Friday, December 19, 2008

13 things thoughts

I think the class was very good, and I did try some new things that I will definitely use.

I think I will try and keep a wiki of a project that I'm working on with our Greener MU Libraries group. We use a wiki for committee agendas now, but I think we could do more.

I liked the 30boxes site. We're going to use that for our library hours.

I think one of the most interesting presentations that I came across in the course was Screencasting and Podcasting: Experience of the Yale Medical Library.

It was great to take time out and use these tools instead of just reading about them. Web 2.0 is definitely hands-on and interactive, so you just have to jump in and start experimenting.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I've thought about creating a pediatrics wiki with the Child Health residents that I work with. We could build it based on the cases reviewed in MR.

I worry that the wiki wouldn't be udated regualrly and would contain inaccurate information. Maintenance is a huge issue. It seems to me that you have to have a lot of people working on a big wiki to make it useful.

We use wikis for our committee work here. It works out rather well. People can add and subtract content as needed. Typing in the wiki during the meeting has its good points and its bad points. It is good because all of the information is recorded right away and it saves someone from taking detailed minutes. It's bad because it is sometimes distracting and people get into wordsmithing the wiki during the meeting.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008

Social Bookmarking

I created a account awhile ago, but I found that I wasn't using it. It seems like a good idea to keep bookmarks organized into folders, but I haven't used it.

I think social bookmarking is best used for individual use. Individuals can tag their own content and know how to access it. Without some kind of controlled vocabulary, people can tag sites with any terms that they want to. It can get rather messy very fast.

I have used some social bookmarking clouds on other sites. The TopChef recipe page, , has a "Hot Tags" section which I think is pretty fun to use. It is definitely not a structured hierarchically or organized in a very meaningful way, but I like it because it allows me to browse and see what other people have tagged. It's a recreational, fun tool for me to use to browse recipes.

Friday, October 24, 2008

News story about bike commuting

I was interviewed on the local news about bike commuting. I bike 3 times a week. It's six miles from my house and it takes me 40 minutes, but it's a nice ride.

I hate watching myself on tv. I'm no Sarah Palin (thank goodness for that though). Here's a link to the story:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008